Get in touch!
We want everyone to have a Happy Workday. Our meetings are free and there is always a specialist in your area. Leave your details and we will contact you!
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Danke schön [name], wir werden uns so schnell wie möglich bei ihnen melden.

Support close at hand

There is always a specialist in your area who can help you. Of course you can also contact our support if you have any questions. A close relationship with you as a customer guarantees that we can continuously improve and innovate our solutions and products. Your suggestions will make us better.

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We help you

A quality solution should not be faulty, but if that is the case, we will fix it. Our support is always close at hand so you can get help with your solution as quickly as possible.

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Prepayment online

For prepayment customers, you can pay either online by card (see link below) or with Swish (in Sweden).

If you pay with Swish, remember to enter the order number with your payment.

Swish number: 123 100 1601

Payment with card

Customer service & product support


Visiting address

Värdshusvägen 7, Lidingö, Sweden


Phone: + 46 8 - 766 70 80


Postal address

Eric Rahmqvist AB

Box 1

181 73, Lidingö, Sweden

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